Friday 27 March 2015

Initial ideas

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I based this initial design on a classic envelope and although this is a fairly simple idea I believe it would work quite well as packaging. In order to keep with this simple design idea I would probably feature some sort of address on the envelope or I could put the tracklist on the front in the style of an address. I believe this simple design could actually appeal to a wide range of people including more alternative people who want a more unique album cover and older people who just want something simple. 

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This initial design was based on a traditional theatre. This design is 3 fold, this means that the case folds out into three sections and this allows me to put a larger image on the inside of the album cover. The first thing you see on this album is a classic scene of people waiting outside a theatre for a show. Once you open up the album you can see the stage with the classic red curtains and the audience in the stands. I will also feature an image of the album on the cd so they are directly in the middle of the stage. This design was loosely inspired by Eminems curtain call album.

This initial design is another one that is simple yet effective, I understand that animals a lot of people are interested and inspired by animals and this is why I have chosen to dedicate an initial design purely to animals. This design is a classic cardboard sleeve and I have put a group of gazelle on the cardboard sleeve and although this seems boring at first it is actually crucial to the scene I am trying to create. Once you get the CD out of the cardboard sleeve you can see a cheetah running and I believe it actually looks like the cheetah is running towards the gazelle, this makes the entire album cover seem a lot more dramatic and a lot less boring.

My next initial design was created to be amusing more than anything else. I have taken inspirational from the more typical hip-hop album cover in which the musician shows off all the money they have through their album cover (see below). I have taken this boring idea and I have gone in the other direction by using coins as opposed to notes, this means I am still using the same sort of design with the artist showing off all their money however the amount of money I have added is actually quite small and I believe this play on the traditional hip hop album cover could be viewed as funny by the right audience. I believe this design would work quite well for an alternative artist as the design is both ironic and unique. 

My next initial idea features a clock in machine, these are used to track the times of employees shifts. I believe this image reflects my band name 'Steady Dollar' well as a person has to clock in and out of work in order to receive payment for the hours they work. A classic clock in/out machine like this is often used in supermarkets, restaurants and department stores, therefore, I believe that this image reflects the name 'Steady Dollar' well because the majority of people who work in jobs like this receive a decent wage but nothing massive, therefore the wage is steady.  

My final initial idea is for a band called 'Murder By Bass', this band plays a drum and bass genre of music and this is why I have used the club scene on the album cover as this is where drum and bass music is played mostly. I believe I have created an interesting an exciting scene on my album cover by using a chalk outline of a body in order to represent murder, This alum cover would be appealing to men and women between the ages of 17-26. 

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