Friday 20 February 2015

Initial Research Part 2

Initial Mind Map


Hip hop as a genre was first introduced in the 1970's by young black men in the USA. The hip-hop genre is mainly characterised by four key elements all of which represent the different manifestos of the genre, rap music, D-Jing, b-boying and graffiti art. The main target audience of the hip-hop genre is mostly males with some females and both are likely to be young/ middle aged. The 3 artists that I selected to research are listed below and these are the three artists that I listen to most.


Eminem's Curtain Call The Hits was designed by Karin Catt and was released on December 6 2005, under Dr Dre's aftermath entertainment label. The imagery used in this album cover could be described as retro because a classic performer with roses at his feet is depicted on stage, this artwork is unlike the classic hip-hop album cover. I believe this imagery has been used to promote the fact that Eminem is unlike any other artist because this album cover is unlike any other hip-hop album cover. 

Clearly this album cover was inspired by the traditional on stage performers e.g. Frank Sinatra as the album depicts a singer bowing at the end of a performance with roses at their feet. I dont believe the imagery on this album cover reflects the hip hop genre or Eminem's music specifically because the album has used imagery from a more traditional genre of music instead of the hip hop genre. I believe that this album artwork promotes the fact that Eminem is unlike any other artist in the hip-hop genre, therefore this album artwork sells Eminem as an artist to his target market. 


The Blueprint was designed by Jason Noto and was released by American rapper Jay-Z in September 11 2001. The artwork for this album cover reflects the confidence and popularity of the hip-hop genre as we see a confident Jay-Z smoking a cigar. I believe the imagery in this artwork has been used to promote an almost timeless aspect to the album because the album cover is in black and white, the imagery is also depicting a traditional scene in which a man is sat on his own smoking a cigar and I believe this imagery is traditional because its unlike the more modern and loud album covers. 

The typography in this album artwork almost reminds of a retro newspaper print because the font features bold lines and a classic colour, this old fashion typography also promotes the timeless aspect of this album. The main inspiration behind Jay-Z's blueprint album is vintage soul, this means the artwork in inspired by old fashioned soul music. I believe this artwork reflects vintage soul as a genre because it is depicting a very traditional and timeless scene as a man sits in a plain room smoking a cigar in a black and white design. I believe the name of this album reflects the confident and popular nature of both Jay-Z as an artist and his music, the name The Blueprint makes me think that this album will be the measuring stick for all rap albums in the future, traditionally a blueprint is an initial design for a building therefore if an album was to be called the blueprint it would make me think that this would be an album to inspire other albums in their construction.

Kanye West

The College Dropout album was designed by Mike Godshall and released by Kanye West in February 10, 2004. The production of the album was handled completely by Kanye West and I believe this highlights his personality as he has great confidence in himself. I believe the album artwork also reflects Kanye's unique personality as the College Dropout artwork is unlike the standard Hip-hop album cover e.g. The Blueprint. 

The artwork depicts Kanye West's mascot and trademark the 'dropout bear', this is a teddy bear which appears on three of West's albums that are all school related (College dropout, Late Registration and Graduation). West claims that he used the imagery of the Dropout Bear on all of these album covers because as a child he always loved teddy bears as a child because his mum used to bring them to him when he was little and that stuck with him. Therefore I believe it is fair to assume that Kanye West's childhood was the inspiration for this album artwork, however I do not believe that this album artwork reflects the music on the album as songs like 'Jesus Walks' are quite controversial featuring swearing, racism and general obscenity.  

Alternative Rock

Alternative rock is a genre of rock music that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980's and became popular in the 1990's. Alternative rock is often expressed with a distorted guitar sound, subversive or transgressive lyrics and a general defiant attitude. 

Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters Greatest Hits was released in November 3, 2009. This album includes a selection of Foo Fighters hit singles from the previous decade. After the release the album received a positive reception for the compilation. I believe the Foo Fighters greatest hits album reflects the alternative rock genre well as they have used a metallic background with bold colours and lines to highlight the loud and powerful music they produce.

The typography used in this Greatest Hits album reflects the Foo Fighters music well because they have used bold black lines to highlight the heavy rock music they produce. I also believe that by including the zig zags inside the O's and G's Foo Fighters are trying to promote the fact that their music is alternative to traditional rock music. Finally I believe the imagery and typography used on the Foo Fighters Greatest Hits album reflects both the Foo Fighters as a band and the alternative rock genre well. by placing the iconic Foo Fighters logo onto a background of sheet metal this artwork clearly reflects the heavy and loud music produced by the Foo Fighters. Also the unique typography reflects the Foo Fighters band band identity as a unique band.

Arctic Monkeys

The album Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not was designed by Juno Liverpool and released by the Arctic Monkeys on 23rd January, 2006. This was Arctic Monkeys debut studio album and it quickly became the fastest selling debut album in British music history, selling over 360,000 copies in the first week. The imagery on this album depicts a 19 year old Chris McClure squinting at a camera and smoking, I believe this artwork reflects Arctic Monkeys as a band because the band gave McClure, his cousin and a best friend money for drinking and a night out, therefore I believe the album artwork promotes the fact that the Arctic Monkeys are just a group of people that want to have fun. 


The album Velociraptor! Is the fourth album by English Rock Band Kasabian and it was designed by Aitor Throup. This album was very popular and it became Kasabian's 3rd number one album in the UK. The album cover features a collage of iconic lead guitarist Serge Pizzorno covered in feathers in his trademark screaming pose, also the single releases each have a different feather on the cover. I believe this genre of music is reflected well by Serge Pizzorno's trademark screaming pose represents the rock genre well.

In my opinion the best design element of this album is on the CD itself as Aitor Throup has created a new logo featuring four 'humanoid raptors' and this new logo is a combination of  the four band members and the album name Velociraptor!,_That%27s_What_I%27m_Not!